
1.1.2 Entrepreneurial Motivators

Revision Time: 4 minutes

Entrepreneurs may be motivated to start their own business for the following factors:

  • Financial (profit as a financial reward)
    • financial independence – being able to make a living without being employed or having a boss
  • Personal (personal interest or hobby)
    • job satisfaction – happy with how you make a living
    • autonomy – being in charge of yourself and making your own decisions
  • Social (ethical/ doing a good thing)
  • Responsibility
    • sustainable sourcing – procuring (buying) resources without causing harm to the environment
    • environmental – entrepreneurs may start a business to change
    • paying the living wage – minimum pay businesses must give according to law for their employees to survive (e.g. enough to pay rent and buy food)
    • working conditions – providing a safe and comfortable workplace for employees
  • Helping the community
    • working with charities – an Entrepreneur may start up to provide a service for a charitable organisation
    • Supporting community projects – such as the National lottery that donates millions from their profits to good causes
    • Employment opportunities – such as providing jobs for the local community or a specific group of people
    • Equal opportunities – providing opportunities for disadvantaged groups

Entrepreneurs aren’t necessarily setting up new enterprises all the time; they might only have one. An entrepreneur is somebody with the foreknowledge, drive and desire to face a challenge by running a business and dealing with customers.

According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, over 100 million businesses are launched each year that’s 11,000 per hour or 2 new businesses per second.

Entrepreneurs are responsible for the leadership of their business, making decisions about the strategic direction of the business. Good decisions make a business successful. They will also organize the resources available to the business to make it successful.




1.1.1 Being an Entrepreneur

1.1.3 Entrepreneurial Skills and Attributes